My Favorite Photography

In the fall I truly believe that there is no more perfect photography subject than a High School senior. I take Senior Portraits all over Maine and New Hampshire from August through November. Every day. And I love every single minute of it. Even those late night editing minutes when my eyes are propped open with toothpicks a la Tom & Jerry.

ImageThen December hits and I’m done. Done done. I take the whole month off from photography. I shoot my own family’s Christmas with my iphone. That’s how done I am.

And then something happens in January. Boom. Babies. Babies everywhere. The cabbage patch garden is in full bloom. My calendar fills up with glorious newborn after glorious newborn. And I am in love with every snuggly little being. And I’m convinced that they are the perfect photography subject.


Until the mom brings them back in to me when they are 4-6 months old. And then I die a thousand deaths because those snuggly little newborns who let out fake gas bubble smiles come back as the most adorable, cubby cheeked, babies with the.most.infectious REAL smiles in the world. And then I decide that older babies are actually the perfect photography subjects.


But the year hasn’t ended. The Spring brings sports photos, 8th grade socials, jr proms. and teen birthday parties. And again, I fall in love with teen and tween photography. And yes, you guessed it. They are my favorite.


You could say I’m indecisive. But I think I just love all my clients. I love seeing their beauty and creating art together with them.

But seriously – these babies.  Okay okay, it’s February…I’m biased.