New Hampshire Fresh48 Family Photography | Most Photogenic

I’ve said it before and I will say it again, photographing Fresh 48 hospital newborn sessions is so special to me. When I am invited into such a new and sacred space in peoples lives, it means a lot. It was actually the father of the Mommy to be that reached out to Mercy Street Studio to inquire about us photographing his new granddaughter; he lived across country and wasn’t sure he was going to make it out to be here the day she was born and he didn’t want to miss anything! Go ahead…you can say  ‘Awwww!!!” 🙂 I mean how sweet is that?! Once the Mommy to be and I were in contact with each other I realized that she was already overdue with baby! So I got to play the baby waiting game with them, checking my phone every few hours (aka minutes :)) and wondering when this little lady would make her grand entrance! Once she arrived (over a week late!) I was thrilled to finally meet the whole family at the hospital for her first photo session.2018-08-29_0008


This little lady was so photogenic. I’ve never photographed a 2 day old who didn’t make a peep, and made a point to look toward the camera each time I lifted the camera. I could not stop laughing at her little face turning toward wherever I positioned myself. I was lucky enough to be photographing this Fresh 48 newborn session while Auntie and Grandma were there too, and they told me that she gets all her cheekiness from her Momma! 2018-08-29_0012

Wherever she inherited being a photogenic little ham from…she sure loves her Mommy!2018-08-29_0004And because there are few things that make me melt more than a new Dad falling in love with his baby, I can’t resist sharing these sweet photos. I’ll just go ahead and start the chorus of  ‘Awwwww’s!!!” 🙂2018-08-29_0007

I knew that this family also had an in studio newborn session planned with Sarah, our newborn photographer, for the following week and I was so excited to see more of little Chloe the next week…and I think even at only 2 days old, she was excited for another photoshoot!2018-08-29_00142018-08-29_00102018-08-29_0006Thank you again for inviting me to photograph your new family. Fresh 48 newborn sessions are one of my favorites to photograph, and I was honored to get to know your new little family of three!